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Golden Poppy 2016

The prestigious Golden Poppy 2016 version
The competition guidelines for the AS50 Golden Poppy are as follows:
12th Night:
Practical Science: Textiles - Textiles with Embellishments
Technical Science: Woodwork - Toys
Fine Arts: Illumination - Fairytales
Performing Arts: Period Instrumental/Vocal Performance - Song that References the Seasons
Practical Science: Household Goods - Wall Decorations
Technical Science: Metal Work - Buckles and Clasps
Fine Arts: Clothing – Period Underclothes
Performing Arts: Original performance – about the year to come
-Kingdom Law-
Practical Science: Cooking - Something to keep hydrated
Technical Science: Leatherwork - Leather that holds something
Fine Art: Needlework - Resembles plants
Performance Art: Original recitation – A story about art
-Minister's Choice-
Practical Science – Weaving for clothes
Fine Art- Painting with oils
Performance Art- A monologue
Technical Science – Something that can hold water
Practical Science: Brewing – Basic Mead
Technical Science: Glasswork - can be worn as jewelry
Fine Art: Calligraphy - sacred texts
Performance Art: Physical Performance - Perform with a prop