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Kingdom IT Services - FAQ

West Kingdom Google Apps for Business

  • How much does this cost? - Fortunately, we're a non-profit and this costs the Kingdom nothing but administrative time.
  • Can I have a Westkingdom email address? - Yes, it's open to all those within the West Kingdom
  • Can the administrators read my email? - No, Google Apps for Business is designed so that only the user can view correspondence. Administrators can lock, unlock, reset passwords, add, delete and freeze accounts.
  • Am I required to have an account? - It is not required as part of your office to use a West Kingdom Gmail account, but it does help us avoid forward errors, glitches in the email process. 
  • What happens when I move away/stop playing? - We can suspend/freeze an account, or delete it completely. We recommend that if you hold an office, that you ensure your successor is firmly in place and is receiving email for the office before you deactivate your account.
  • Is Google spying on us?  - That is a much debated issue. There are no solid, quantifiable answers. We can say with confidence that if they are reading our email, they must be fairly bored, confused, amused or all three at once.
  • Is this a silver-bullet fix for all problems? - No - it's a work around to a very complicated problem. We've done some thorough testing and feel confident that email is getting to where it needs to be, but nothing is perfect.
  • What apps are enabled in the West Kingdom platform? - Calendar, Classroom, Contacts, Drive, Gmail, Google Talk, Groups for Business, and Sites.  We're in the early stages of this project, with ideas on leveraging the other applications to help your local group and the Kingdom at large.
  • Can I have a different address than what is shown in my user profile on's website? - At this time, we're working on stabilizing and getting the project to a place where email is satisfactory. Custom names may be addressed at a later time, at the discretion of the crown.
  • How do I reset my password? - Go to - at the bottom of your profile page is a link that allows you to reset your Google Apps credentials.
  • What if my password gets compromised? - Webministers have the ability to reset the account and password. Please notify the webteam as early as possible.
  • What if my account is compromised? - The Webministers may suspend an account if it is sending out spam, or doing unsavory things, if that does happen we will make every effort to contact you and get new credentials issued.
  • I don't know how to do "x", how do I do 'x"? - Please see the 'West Kingdom IT - HowTo' for detailed instructions.

West Kingdom IT - HowTo - PDF