"Thank you unto Our populace for planning your journey to Our Coronet Tournament as the Rightful Heirs to the Cynaguan thrones are chosen. We are looking forward to seeing new friends and old join us in a weekend of festivities which We are sure will go down in the lore of Our Principality and Kingdom. A traditional double elimination tournament to determine Our Heirs will be held on Sunday, and Monday all unbelted fighters are invited to test their skills for the honor of being the Lord Defender of Cynagua, while old fashioned Cynaguan Hoopla and revelry will be held all weekend."
We remain - ThorStagge & Eowyn, Prince and Princess of Cynagua
There are stalls available for $25 for the weekend. There are no rental horses at this time. Please contact Haley an eich gil at equestrian@cynagua.westkingdom.org for any questions or more information.
Autocrat: Baroness Muirenn ingen Brain
Plumas Sierra Fairgrounds (204 Fairgrounds Road, Quincy CA 95971)
Take your best route to Quincy. Do NOT use your GPS, Garmin, or other navigation device, or you may end up in the wrong place! Once in Quincy, go through town to the fairgrounds. There will be SCA signs.