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Westermark Madness

Saturday August 29th, 2015
Milpitas, California

Westermark Madness is proudly hosted by the Barony of the Westermark.

Come join the friendly folks of the Barony of the Westermark in their annual event featuring many fighting scenarios for both Heavy and Rapier fighters, A&S activities, contests and demos! Challenge and compete against your friends and foes to become the next: Markee (bardic entertainment champion), Shepherd (Heavy scenario), Thug (Overall Heavy Fighter Champion), or Rapier Champion of the Westermark. 

Please bring a dish and or drinks for grand pot luck feast for Lunch. Great opportunity for Foodies to try new recipes and taste period foods. A Post Revel will take place in the evening afterwards.

Westermark Madness is a family friendly event, held picnic style. If you are in a position to bring an easy to assemble day-shade or pavilion please do so. The Event site is pet friendly, with a nearby dog park within easy walking distance.

Please note that an adult focused "Post Revel" will take place off-site in the evening afterwards.

Autocrat: Joel the Brewer

Site Information: 
Start Time: 
Site opens 9am and closes at 6pm
Site Fee: 
There is no site fee, but donations are welcomed! There is a parking fee per car, so please carpool to save $$$ when possible.

Take the 680 freeway north or south to the Calaveras Blvd Exit and head east towards the hills. When it crosses Evans, it will become Calaveras Rd. Continue into the hills until you reach a fork in the road and continue to the left, towards the North. The site will be on the right, past Sandy Wool Lake. 

For more information, see the Ed Levin park map.