Hear ye, hear ye! All are invited to attend the Fall Coronet Tournament for the Palatine Barony of the Far West. Please give your support for the artisans as they compete for the five item A&S Coronet. Much merriment shall be had as fighters compete for the heavy and the rapier championships. There will also be a three item A&S champion and a populace choice award given. A fine feast fitting the harvest time of year shall follow closing court. The day's activities shall end with a bardic in which the new Baron and Baroness shall chose the champion.
Autocrat: Lady Thomasina de Buckley
Site Information:
Yongsan Garrison (, Seoul )
See map: Google Maps
Start Time:
Site Opens: 9am for set-up. Site Closes: 9pm
Site Fee:
15,000 won ($15) (includes feast)