Come join the Shire between principalities for our Second Annual Tournament. We will be giving an award for the heavy fighting champion, the bardic champion and the A&S champion.
Heavy fighting tournament format to be decided by list size, but likely round robin. Armor inspections to start at 10:30am.
Bardic competition to be judged by last years winner. Please bring a piece about fighting and a piece about the arts and sciences to share. Non- original work allowed with writers permission.
Arts & Sciences competition theme is UFO: The Unfinished Object. Bring your in-progress work of art to show off. Champion to be decided by populace vote.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Event Steward: Safiya bint Zakariya al-Tayyib
Site Information:
Lagoon Valley Park (1 Peña Adobe Rd., Vacaville California 95688)
1 Peña Adobe Rd.
, CA
See map: Google Maps
Start Time:
Site Opens at 10am and Closes at 5pm
Site Fee:
Adult Event Registration: $15, Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $10