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Winter’s Gate Yule

Saturday December 16th, 2017
Fairbanks, Alaska

Our Yule feast celebrates the medieval flavors of Baltic cultures. Menu is forthcoming. Please e-mail or PM any allergies by Nov. 15th.

Tentative Schedule:
1:00 pm: Site opens,
3:00 pm: A&S Holiday Treats Submissions Open. Winner receives Medieval Cooking Themed Prize.
3:30 pm: Ornament Making Class for Youth, A&S Youth Division of Ornaments opens after the class.
4:00 pm: Fantastic Four Largess Derby Opens.
4:15 pm: Baronial Bardic-Everyone is welcome to join in! Lyrics will be provided.
5:45 pm: Hors D’oeuvres Served.
6:30 pm: Feast is Served! Court Follows Feast.
8:30 pm: Viking Santa Gift Exchange — Theme: SCA related items.

There will be Special Gifts from the Baron and Baroness to the Treasures of Winter’s Gate. Please post the age and number of Treasures attending: Site is very discretely wet.

Event Steward: Cemper (Aly Johns-Robinson) — Phone: 907-385-1084 — E-mail:

Directions: Make your best way to the Johannsen Parkway and turn onto Danby towards the Toyota dealer. Turn Right onto Bainbridge. Walden Estates Community Center is at the intersection of Hampstead and Bainbridge.

Site Information: 
Start Time: 
Site Opens: 1pm and Closes: 10pm
Site Fee: 
Adult Event Registration: $15, Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $10, Youth (Ages 6-17): $5, Children (under 5): Free, Family Cap (2 adults and dependent children): $25

From Fairbanks Airport, head south on Airport Way. Turn left on University Ave. Turn right on the Johansson Expressway. Turn left on Danby Rd. Turn right on Bainbridge Blvd. Arrive at the Walden Estates Community. The Community Center is at the intersection of Bainbridge and Hampstead Center.