As of March 16, 2020, all events scheduled in the Northern California and Northern Nevada regions of the West Kingdom are cancelled, per the Crown of the West. This is in compliance with current Federal restrictions applying to the lower-48 states against gatherings of 50 people or more, in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.
The Principality of Oertha (Alaska) and the Barony of the Far West (Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Guam) should follow their local, state, and federal guidelines during this period and act within those rules.
There is no definitive timeline for resuming central Kingdom events yet, but anticipate the ban to last at least through mid-May 2020. More information will be forthcoming about how this will affect Western Crown Tourney and Mists Coronet Tourney in the immediate future, as well as other events in the coming months.
This is a rapidly evolving situation and the Western Crown and Kingdom Seneschal are working closely together and monitoring information released from State and Federal officials. They are acting in the best interests of the West Kingdom, and the health, safety, and well-being of the Populace is foremost in their minds. Please continue to support them as they face these difficult decisions going forward.
For current information about the U.S. Federal guidelines in effect, please visit:…/…
For current information from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services:…/Hu…/COVID-19_Whatthepubliccando.pdf
Greetings Principality of the Mists!
Their Highnesses Patric and Sara call the populace of the Mists to gather for a glorious tournament to determine the heir to their throne. Some have traveled through mountainous terrain and fjords, others across oceans and deserts to fight for this right. Who will stand victorious at the end of the day?
The Coronet tournament will be run in a fashion similar to Duke Mark's Crown tournament of 2016. His Highness found it to be a pleasure to fight under that format, and so given this opportunity, he brings it back to allow others the same experience (or perhaps to experience it again).
Invocation and challenges will be as per usual, and it will be a double elimination tournament with standard West Kingdom armor conventions.
The difference will be in having counted blows. All legal blows are counted as good. Good blows are called by the receiving fighter and first fighter to strike two good blows wins the round. Double kills to be immediately re-fought. No acting out of blows to the arms or legs. There will be a pause when a good blow is struck to allow fighters to reset.
While no one "dies" in a counted blow tournament, We will ask fighters to take a knee when the round is lost so that bystanders will more clearly see the outcome of the fight.
In lieu of a Princess’ Tea, there will be a family style dinner. Bring your tables, chairs and dinner out to the list field and enjoy each other’s company. After the field has been cleared, we will have evening Court with a full dessert bar, sponsored by Their Highnesses.
Rapier Championship
It is time to sharpen your blades and earn one of the best jobs in the Principality - Rapier Champion of the Mists! Tournament style still to be determined based on the number of participants, but cardio always plays a role.
Principality of the Mists A&S Sliver Muse competition: “Arts and Sciences through the Ages."
Calling all Artists, Bards, Calligraphers, Natural Scientists, Poets, Rubricators, Singers, Troubadours, etc! Find your inner Muse, Early or Late Period! This year’s Mists A&S Silver Muse Competitions are moving through time and expertise. Each Mists event will have two competitions: One early period, one later period.
For Spring Coronet the Early time will be 8th century and the Later time will be 13th century.
Please pick a time (and if needed or desired, a place) and bring your work! Create clothing, jewelry, stamping from the 8th century! Sing a song, show a jewel from the 13th! Brew an appropriate beverage or food! Share!
The populace are invited to pursue the arts and sciences by creating displays of their work and teaching and discussing the work, whether it is a material object, an intellectual one, or a story of history. We are encouraging our artisans to not only make things but teach how to make them (this is also a part of the competition).
Please bring your Arts and Brews to the A&S pavilion for display after first court but before round one starts. Actual competition time TBA on Saturday. Listen for the Herald!
Documentation is required, but don’t let that scare you away! (Simple is all we ask, but if you want to do more that’s wonderful. Help is available!)
For more information regarding the upcoming year's Arts and Sciences please see the A&S Ministers's announcement. Any questions, concerns, or you to would like to be the next A&S minister? Please contact: Lady Rew Payne at — or —
Silver Spoon Competition
This year, each Silver Spoon competition will focus on a different ingredient.
For Coronet, the theme is Eggs. Choose your cuisine, choose your time period, but make sure eggs are the star of the dish.
Please remember, all competitions are participant judged. Please be ready to talk about the source/method of your dish(es) and to taste the other dishes.
For more information, contact Silver Spoon Minister Sayyid Da'ud in Ali for details at, and remember — period food is yummy!
Event Steward: Elinora O'Connor (Sheryl Thorson) — Phone: 916-868-1307 — E-mail:
Anyone interested in assisting on staff please contact the Event Steward privately
San Benito County Fairgrounds (9000 Airline Hwy, Tres Pinos CA 95075)

From south of Gilroy: Take the best route to US-101 N to CA-156 E toward San Juan Batista/ Hollister. Turn right onto Union Road. Turn right onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25. *Follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From the Bay Area: Take US-101 S. Take the CA-25 exit toward Hollister CA-25 merging right going into Hollister. Turn left onto Santa Ana Road. Turn right onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From I-5: Take CA-33 exit at Santa Nella towards Gilroy. Turn West onto CA-33. Merge onto CA-152 West toward Gilroy. Turn left onto CA-156/ Pacheco Pass Hwy. Turn left onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.