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Mists Bardic Competition

Saturday October 23rd, 2021
Vallejo, California

Good Greetings,
Though the ‘Plague’ has tried, vainly, to hamper our efforts at joy it is finally time to chose a new Bard of the Mists. Thus October 23rd has been chosen as the date for the Bard of the Mists Competition. The event will be held at Hanns Park, 198 Skyline Dr., Vallejo, CA.
The Competition, itself, consists of the traditional five rounds:
• A piece from Period. Please bring info regarding its source.
• A piece in a Period Style. Again, have brief documentation regarding the style.
• Bring Your Best. A piece that is either of your composition or someone else's which showcases your performing abilities. 
• In keeping with the geas upon the Bard of the Mists, this year's Bard's Choice category is a children’s tale. It may be original or from another source.
• And of course, the ever popular 3 words from a hat.
Come to compete for the title of Bard of the Mists. Auditing, performing without competing for the title and position, is also welcomed. Members of the Order of the Golden Branch are encouraged to present a piece.

And, of course, besides competitors we need our fabulous populace - for what is a performance without an audience?

Being the Bard of the Mists is a fun job, particularly when not sidetracked by plague.
Yours in Service,
Cesare di Lodovico Malefici, Bard of the Mists

Event Steward: Cesare di Lodovico Malefici (Bruce Bufkin) — Email: — Phone: 402-689-7670

Site Information: 
Start Time: 
Starts at Noon. Ends approximately 3 PM
Site Fee: 