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Eskalya Pie-rate Day

Saturday March 16th, 2024
Anchorage, Alaska

Ahoy! Lay anchor and show off your plunder at Eskalya’s Pie–rate Day on March 16. There will be food and drinks, tall tales and sea shanties, treasure hunts, ship building, nautical arts and sciences, and swashbuckling as our fighters repel raiding ship parties.

- Arts and Sciences Display: Nautical in any mode, bonus points if it’s shiny!
- Bardic: Sea shanties and tales of adventure!
- Heavies: Repel the Raiders! Small group fights to defend or steal the pirate treasure.
- Rapier and C/T: Swashbuckling! Bring your bucklers and daggers to defend the ship helm.
- Family Fun: Whatever Floats Your Boat! Assorted materials will be available to build and float a toy sized ship. Design, build, and test your ship for a chance at the grand prize.
- Family Fun: Treasure Hunt! Assemble a team and follow the pirate map to hidden treasures.
- Feasting: Pot Luck Lunch! Bring your favorite pie or pie accompaniment to share and show off. Savory pies, sweet pies, hand pies, quiches, even pizza — all pies are welcome! Water, tea, and lemonade will be available. A kitchen is available for use.

Terrain Description: Outdoors will be cold and icy, please dress accordingly and bring good ice shoes.
Site Accessibility: Wheelchair Accessible
Electrical Outlets
Close / Handicap Parking
Cell Phone Reception
Amenities on Site: Stone Privies
Potable Water
Modern Lighting: Such as Street/ Walkway lights

Additional Comments: Kitchen is available for use.

Event Steward: Maeva of Eskalya (Carolyn Tix) — E-mail: — Phone: 907-444-6079

Site Information: 
Start Time: 
Starts at 11:00 AM and ends at 5:00 PM
Site Fee: 
Adult Non-Member Registration ($): 15 — Adult Member Registration ($): 10 — Minor s 17 and younger are Free — Family Cap N/A

Take the Seward Hwy (or Minnesota Dr) south to O'Malley Rd. Then head east on O'Malley. Turn south off O'Malley Rd onto Elmore. Then take the first left into the Church parking lot off of Elmore.