Unto the populace of the Mists, the West and the Knowne World do Prince Roland and Princess Audrey extend an invitation to witness the selection of the Their Heirs by right of arms. Their Tournament will be held at beautiful Bolado Park in The Barony of Darkwood.
Pre-registration is available and optional
A&S Competitions
#5: Winged: Take a flight of fancy! Some special Roman jewelry comes to mind! How about some prose of Michel and his fight? What ingredients come from winged beasts? Those illumination’s would be a fanciful feat with winged creatures in its designs!
#6: Horned & Tusked: Oh leather workers and customers I’m looking at you! What about inspiration in armor or hats? What creature's horns would turn up in a bottle? What drinking vessels could be made or etched items of stories?
More Information: While this site is flat there are gophers and invariably gopher holes. Electric wheelchairs should be doable. There are showers and flushies on site. RV space is available and should be directly booked with the park.
Terrain Description: This is a fairgrounds site, but the area we use has a lot of gopher holes. Be careful of your ankles
Site Accessibility: Wheelchair Accessible
Electrical Outlets, Close / Handicap Parking, Cell Phone Reception
Amenities on Site: Stone Privies, Portable Privies, Showers, Potable Water, Shopping near by, RV Parking, RV Hookups, Pet Friendly
Event Steward: Baroness Mercy Grym (Aine Winklebleck) — E-mail: mercy@westkingdom.org — Phone: 831-537-7313
San Benito County Fairgrounds (9000 Airline Hwy, Tres Pinos CA 95075)

From south of Gilroy: Take the best route to US-101 N to CA-156 E toward San Juan Batista/ Hollister. Turn right onto Union Road. Turn right onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25. *Follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From the Bay Area: Take US-101 S. Take the CA-25 exit toward Hollister CA-25 merging right going into Hollister. Turn left onto Santa Ana Road. Turn right onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From I-5: Take CA-33 exit at Santa Nella towards Gilroy. Turn West onto CA-33. Merge onto CA-152 West toward Gilroy. Turn left onto CA-156/ Pacheco Pass Hwy. Turn left onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.