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Royal Challenge

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To Our beloved Populace of the West, greetings from Fabian and Eliška, Heirs to the Occidental Throne, as We embark on the Last of the LIX Reign (the last reign of the 59th year of Our Kingdom).


One of the things We will be celebrating during this reign is the way so many of you make this kingdom the best in the Known World - We want to shine a light on all those activities, and inspire even more.

To that end, We issue the Last of the LIX Challenge!  We’ve identified seven categories of activities that support and grow Our Realm and its people - We’re giving you some examples, but feel free to act outside the box, in service to the West, to live up to the challenge to the best of your personal ability and individual skill level.  For each category that you participate in, you will receive a token designed by Our hands, and anyone participating in all seven will receive a bonus token.  Feel free to keep meeting each challenge category, even though We can only reward you with one token per category. 

The Challenge begins with Our Coronation and ends at Beltane, when We will start a new year.  Please use our Kingdom social media channels (Facebook and Discord) to inspire others by reporting your activities - or those of your friends - using hashtag #LastOfTheLIXChallenge - and remember that while not required, pictures make everything more fun!  (And video makes it even more fun!!)

This challenge is open to all Westerners, and those who are a Westerner at heart:  this includes those who have moved and those who visit so often they may as we be Western.   For others, if their activities are in service to the West or to a Westerner, we are happy to include them as well.

Tokens will be delivered at events, with alternate means determined for participants who cannot be wherever we are.

Important note:  Entry into Our Crown Tournament in March will be dependent on the aspiring couple having completed at least 4 activities between the two of them.  These activities can be from as many or as few categories as you choose, though we encourage you to explore multiple ways to enrich the kingdom by performing different activities.

Thank you, and remember:  The most important thing is to have fun!!!


Spark Joy!

Icon: Examples:
  • Teach and/or play a new game on the list field
  • Entertain the populace with a skit or interpretive dance
  • Compete in a tavern tourney
  • Stake someone else to join a casino game
  • Perform a circus act, like juggling, acrobatics, etc
  • Write/publish/perform a limerick, song or poem about someone in the Kingdom
  • Photobomb as many royals as possible (but not during court, please)

Grow the Kingdom

Icon: Examples:
  • Bring someone new to an event (or bring someone back!)
  • Gift something to a newcomer
  • Sponsor activities for children/youth
  • Write an award recommendation
  • Teach a class on whatever you do well
  • Judge a competition
  • Create a TikTok to submit to the Kingdom channel

Serve the Kingdom

Icon: Examples:
  • Serve at a feast
  • Volunteer at Gate
  • Take a shift as Fire Watch
  • Sponsor a privy and keep it clean
  • Set up/tear down Royal infrastructure
  • Set up/tear down for someone outside your group
  • Learn about DEIB
  • Sign up to be a list page

Be a Host

Icon: Examples:
  • Host the Publicke House
  • Host a bardic circle or dance party
  • Host a feast or tournament
  • Host an event within an event, like a salon, a bardic circle, dance party, tournament, games
  • Provide the infrastructure (space, food or drink)  for someone to do any of the above

Create Art

Icon: Examples:
  • Make something special for someone not immediately connected to you (garb, gear, armor, weapon, etc)
  • Make largesse for the Kingdom
  • Make a scroll for the Crown to gift an award recipient

Perform Art

Icon: Examples:
  • Write, direct or act in a skit or play
  • Write a bardic piece
  • Perform at a bardic
  • Learn a circus skill
  • Enter a dance competition

Grow Yourself

Icon: Examples:
  • Try something new - art, science, martial
  • Perform a service you haven’t tried before
  • Play a new game
  • Register your name and/or device
  • Travel out of kingdom