Full Names:
Fabian Arnett von Schwetzingen - Rex
Eliska z Jihlavy - Regina
Oberhofmeisterin (Chief Mistress of the Court):
Mistress Margaret Grym (maggie.grym AT westkingdom DOT org)
Kammerherr (Chamberlin of the House):
Meister Karius Hutzelmann (technomancer AT westkingdom DOT org)
Künstlerischer Beraterin (Counselor for Artisans):
Mistress Aldith Angharad St. George
Ratgeber der Garde (Counselor for Guard):
Maestro José Ramirez de Coronado
Der Kämpe der Königin (Champion to the Queen)
Duke Christoipher of York christopher AT westkingdom DOT org
Meisterin der Schriftrollen (General of the Scribal corps)
Vicountess Oonagh Bhan
Anführerin des Mumpitz (Chief Shennnigator)
Adina Vischer von Hersbruck
Leiterin der Schenkungen (Coordinator of Largesse):
Mistress Donima Brid Hecgwiht
Gewandmeisterin (Mistress of Wardrobe):
Countess Ascelin Meere of Ravenslocke
Bezüglich Eliska:
Eliska is from 14th century Bohemia, though she spends a lot of time in 15th century Italy and 16th century Saxony.
She is a Laurel and a Pelican who loves scribal arts (illumination and calligraphy) and recently started learning about painting shields and wooden objects.
Her favorite color is green, and her major charge is a green ivy vine, which symbolizes lasting friendship. She also uses a winged heart as a badge. Her personal motto is "Mani aperti, apertus cor" (open hands and open heart).
She has no allergies, but will not eat mushrooms or mayonaisse, and tries to limit highly acidic foods. She appreciates a variety of libations but will not drink IPA. She is trying not to eat her way through the reign, so while gifts of food are appreciated, they will usually be tasted and then shared.
Bezüglich Fabian:
Fabian is from 16th century Baden (now part of Germany), though he has spent time in 15th century Italy and across Europe in the 14th century.
He is a Knight, a Laurel and a Pelican who loves doing metal arts, but can also be found sewing, woodworking, making jewelry and is always game to learn something new.
His favorite color is red (although he wears a lot of black) and his major charge is a golden eagle. He also uses a cross formy, fitched at the foot, as his badge.
He has three mottos: "In Tempestate Flouresco" (I Flourish in the Tempest), "Me Juvant Aspere" (Difficulties delight me), and "Aut inveniam viam aut faciam" (I Shall Find a Way or Make One.
He has no allergies, but does not appreciate olives or coffee. He is a connoisseur of ginger snaps and chocolate chip cookies.
He does appreciate many forms of alcohol, (especially fine ports and German lagers) and has a soft spot for Jaegermeister, Schnapps and Asbach Brandy.