UPDATE: Due to the recent precipitation the park caretakers request that you do not drive on the grass.
In addition: Fire - in raised contraptions with working extinguishers nearby, minded by conscious humans is permitted. Be safe.
This Event Steward hopes to find you in good health and cheer! Come all gentles and witness the pageantry of chivalry, the breathtaking examples of skills finely honed and share in the companionship of society members from all around.
Princeps Antonii Machinevik and Pricepessa Helga Skaldmaer will hold a tournament to decide Their heirs. Your Principality Royals have thought long and hard on ways to challenge the great and skilled fighters of the Mists. Their tournament format is as follows:
Tournament Format:
- Double elimination.
- It is strongly encouraged that in the 3rd round you use great weapons in your matches. Limited weapons and sets of gauntlets are available to borrow for this round.
- Final match - 5 rounds, best three of the five
Each round will require each combatant to choose a weapon style not previously used.
Combatants are encouraged to match or counter weapons styles as mutually agreed upon.
- Bucklers do not count as shields
- Using a Madu or broken lance or spear in combination with a sword can only be done once; the combination of either listed long weapon and sword counts as Florentine. If you can kill someone with the device in your offhand, by kingdom convention, it counts as a distinct round and cannot be repeated.
- His Highness, Prince of the Mists, encourages and promotes weapons depth as much as possible.
Weapon choice constraints:
Princess's Tea
Her Highness has generously declared her intention to hold a Princess's Garden Tea. This begins as soon as the Rose field is opened. It will feature Kuub as a game for all to join in. Silly hats are encouraged. Extra bonus points will be awarded for unicorn references and cookies. The Princess's Garden Tea will be at the Royal Pavilion.
Arts and Sciences
The Artisans of the Principality are hard at work creating amazing works and intriguing science projects.
Theme for the year: Inside and Out Spring Coronet A&S Competitions
- Things made of the outside of an animal. Anything made of leather, vellum, fur, horn, or hoof qualifies. (Technical Science)
- Food made of beef, lamb, mutton, goat, rabbit--any animal that would also have its outside used to make things. (Practical Science)
Documentation is required for these competitions.
Don't like competing? We'll also be hosting a display on the themes above. No documentation required to display your fabulous work!
All entries are due at the Mists A&S Pavilion at 10:30am. Please pick up your entries before Saturday Evening Court.
In addition to the contest, the Mists A&S Pavilion will be open to artists and crafty people who want to come, bring a chair and a project or the desire to chat about arts and sciences.
The Silver Spoon competition will be held, please see Baroness Margaret Graham for time. The contest parameters are as follows: The cooking theme for the Silver Spoon this year is THE FOUR FOOD GROUPS. Competition ingredient is VEGETABLES!! Any period dish made with Vegetables. As always, this is a NO WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION competition, but you should come prepared to speak about your dish, where the recipe comes from, redactions, what worked, what did not, and what you would do differently. Remember a competition is when there is more than one dish entered. The competitors will be the judges.
For those light of both heart and foot the Saltatoris Nebularum Dance competition will be held after 5th round on Saturday. More details to follow.
Order of Defense / Rapier
The Order of Defense will hold a tournament, mid of the list field. Barriers will be maintained. The tournament Marshal-in-Charge is Symon DeLurant Montgomery Details forthcoming.
Archery Championship
The Mists Archery Champion summons all archers of the Principality to come to Mists Coronet to compete for the glory and title of Archery Champion of the Mists for the ensuing year. The competition will consist of a Royal Round + a novelty shoot or two. Novices encouraged to shoot. Out of realm archers can shoot for fun, but will not be able eligible for the championship. We will have the range open at various times for shooting during Coronet. Some loner gear will be available.
Once the honors are cited and accolades given, Saturday night, immediately following court, the following games will be available for all to play:
- Giant Jenga
- Glow in the Dark Kuub
- Bottle Jousting
- Hunker Hauser
The Principality currently owns and maintains four sets of thrones.
-- The newest set, the Mahogany Thrones, are currently being used for all indoor and outdoor events.
-- The other large set, the BedRail Thrones, are in need of some repairs and refurbishing.
-- The smaller folding set, the Scissor Thrones, have several issues including the need for replacing the leather seats every year or so, as well as being uncomfortable for the majority of our Reigning Royalty.
-- The last set, the Gilded Thrones, are currently in storage in the West Kingdom storage unit, at Pennsic. This set has the additional financial burden of annual fees for storage.
Both the Financial Committee and the Regalia Committee discussed the monetary as well as logistical need for so many sets of thrones. Therefore, it was decided that the Scissor Thrones and the Gilded Thrones will be auctioned off to both cut back on the fiscal costs to the Principality as well as raise money to offset the costs to repair and refurbish the BedRail Thrones.
The Scissor Thrones will be auctioned at Mists Spring Coronet, on Saturday, after finals during the break before evening court begins.
The Gilded Thrones will be auctioned at Pennsic 2017. More details regarding the Pennsic auction will be posted closer to the event dates.
All Principality of the Mists insignia and regalia will be removed from the thrones prior to being turned over to the winning bidder. This includes the identifiable blue leather seats and backs from the Scissor Thrones.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me through the Principality e-mail at: seneschal@mists.westkingdom.org
Eireannach, Mists Seneschal
Coronet Organizers
- Your Marshal in charge is Sir Adalberon Blackwood
- Your Rapier Marshal in charge is Lord Symon DeLurant Montgomery
- Your Constable is Madame Ghislaine d’Auxerre
- Your List Mistress is Duchess Anastacia of Warwick
- Your Arts and Sciences Minister is Mistress Gianetta del Bene
- Your Archer Champion is Sibéal inghean Alaxandair
I, your Event Steward, am Karius Hutzelmann of Haus von Schwetzingen, Webminister of the Westkingdom
Should you wish to assist any of the fine gentles above, they are more than glad for the help. Should you not know whom to ask - please see me.
Site Particulars
Their highnesses have announced that vendors may setup on the list field. There are specific spots on the list field already allocated to principality office sunshades, but vendors are encouraged to attend and setup to catch as much foot traffic as they can. If vendors are interested they should contact the Event Steward.
• Pets with current vaccinations and on leashes are permitted.
• Open fires are not allowed. Propane and otherwise fixed or covered flames are allowed, as dictated by the West Kingdom Constables' established guidelines. A fire extinguisher must be present and in good working order near any flame.
More information will be provided as it becomes available.
Event Steward: Karius Hutzlemann - karius.hutzelmann@westkingdom.org - 501-733-8786 No calls after 10pm please.
San Benito County Fairgrounds (9000 Airline Hwy, Tres Pinos CA 95075)

From south of Gilroy: Take the best route to US-101 N to CA-156 E toward San Juan Batista/ Hollister. Turn right onto Union Road. Turn right onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25. *Follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From the Bay Area: Take US-101 S. Take the CA-25 exit toward Hollister CA-25 merging right going into Hollister. Turn left onto Santa Ana Road. Turn right onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.
From I-5: Take CA-33 exit at Santa Nella towards Gilroy. Turn West onto CA-33. Merge onto CA-152 West toward Gilroy. Turn left onto CA-156/ Pacheco Pass Hwy. Turn left onto Fairview Road. Turn left onto Airline Hwy/ CA-25 and follow CA-25 through Tres Pinos and the fairgrounds will be on your right.