Please join Their Highnesses Kith and Arianwen as They host a Grand Tournament to determine Their Heirs!
Arts and Sciences — Competitions and classes; descriptions and schedules to follow.
Merchants — If you plan to merchant, please let Lady Eirene, the event steward, know at least 2 weeks before the event. Please secure a site-specific seller’s permit, or you may not merchant at the event.
RV Parking is available with hookups for $20 per night. Please contact the park directly.
Equestrian stalls are available for $25 through the park. Please contact the park and the constabulary if you plan to bring a horse.
Event Steward: Lady Eirene Dalascene of the Akritai (Donna Kalayjian) — 530-859-5374
Plumas Sierra Fairgrounds (204 Fairgrounds Road, Quincy CA 95971)
Take your best route to Quincy. Do NOT use your GPS, Garmin, or other navigation device, or you may end up in the wrong place! Once in Quincy, go through town to the fairgrounds. There will be SCA signs.