There will be a virtual Cynagua Fall Coronet!
Event Steward: Lady Ashlin UnGallchobhair (Robin Burgett) — Email address: — Phone: 530-415-5365 please no phone calls after 9 pm
Greetings Cynagua and West Kingdom Harvest is done . Now is time to get together before winter is coming . Their Highnesses Prince Ragnarr and Princess Brynhildr Wish to invite you all to a Virtual Fall Coronet . There will be Classes, Contests , and Competitions . This will Be a Fall Coronet Of Fun and Fellowship . Virtual Gate Opens : Saturday Oct 31 @ 8am . Schedule: Saturday Oct.31 10 am A&S classes start 3pm Bingo/ Hangout with their Highnesses Sunday Nov. 1 2:30pm. Court 4pm Event End Greeting Cynagua, Here is the schedule of A&S virtual classes. Saturday Oct: 31. 10am - 11am SCA Appropriat Pottery: By Dame Gwen The Potter. Double face Weaving: By Lord Ciarn Applique using Couching: By Lady Linnet Hartfield Finger Drawing with Mousse: By Viscountess Else Hunrvogt. 11am - 12pm Q&A for Embroidery: By Lady Cristeane Regan Mac Nab Courtly Etiquette for Newcomers: By Viscountess Genevieve de Vendome Ol Gradually, Palmer, and Antiphonaries. Oh My! What to expect in period Manuscrpits: Kit Weller Guest Speaker. 1pm - 2pm How to make a net The speed course. By, Agnes berengarii de Girona. Setting Yourself Up For Sewing Fundamental Concepts. By Viscountess Genevieve de Vendome OL Tarpus Construction or Turkish Hat for The Win. Lady Brigit Ni Sheachnasigh Blackwater Capitals. By Douglas d' Champclair 2pm - 3pm Building Rattan Tournament Swords By: Sir Thomas Logan Painting The Heavens. By: Lady Jocelyn d' Orleans The Making of Capraz( Ottoman Button Making) By:Lord Ali Karim al-Ghani Event Steward is Ashlin UnGallchobhair (Robin Burgett) Disclaimer: Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and granting permission to have the video posted/streamed to SCA Social Media Channels.