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Rivenoak Virtual Yule and Collegium

Saturday December 12th, 2020

Their Excellencies, Lodinn and Finna, Baron and Baroness of Rivenoak, wish for you to join our merrymaking with a virtual Yule featuring a mini-Collegium and virtual competitions. The competition themes so focus on: “Your persona’s Midwinter holiday activities”.

The Arts and Sciences championship competitions are as follows:

  • For our Adept (Arts): Please display an art piece that your persona would have created during the winter months. Please post a picture under the appropriate Facebook post.
  • For our Savant (Sciences): Share with us the preparations your persona would make in anticipation of winter. Please post a picture or description under the appropriate Facebook post.
  • For our Skald (Bard): Please present a verbal or instrumental piece from your persona’s culture that might be shared during the winter months. This will take place during a zoom call at 5pm.
  • For our Friar (Brewing): Please make and share a recipe of a winter celebratory drink your persona may have enjoyed. Please post a picture and the recipe under the appropriate post.
  • For our Confectioner (Cooking): Please make a winter celebratory dish that your persona may have enjoyed. Please post a picture and the recipe under the appropriate post.
  • For our Muse (Dance): Please share a game or a winter pastime from your persona’s culture. Please post a picture and a description of the rules under the appropriate post.
In addition to our championship competitions, there will also be two prize competitions:
  • For the Table Decorating Contest: Please share a picture of how your persona might have decorated their table for a winter festival. The prize for this contest will be a table runner with the Rivenoak populace badge embroidered on it.
  • For the Selfie Contest: Please share a picture of you in your persona’s winter garb. The prize for this contest will be a 5x7 Illuminated Picture.
All entrants should post their entry under the appropriate post on the Barony of Rivenoak Facebook page on the day of the event.
Documentation is highly encouraged but not required.
Winners will be chosen by the populace based on how many “likes” an entrant has.

Check the Barony's Facebook group for upcoming details as well as for a class schedule. Baronial Court will take place at approximately 7 pm.

Event Steward: Baroness Finna Kottr Godormsdottir (Ileah Dotson) — Phone: 530-391-6271 — Email:

Location: Baronial Facebook Page and Zoom (Virtual):
Directions: Please go to the following link (Facebook):

Start Time: 
Event opens at 10 AM
Site Fee: 
Registration: Free, please post at the Virtual Gate