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Rivenoak Fool's Tournament (Event Cancelled)

Saturday April 18th, 2020
Chico, California

As of March 16, 2020, all events scheduled in the Northern California and Northern Nevada regions of the West Kingdom are cancelled, per the Crown of the West. This is in compliance with current Federal restrictions applying to the lower-48 states against gatherings of 50 people or more, in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The Principality of Oertha (Alaska) and the Barony of the Far West (Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Guam) should follow their local, state, and federal guidelines during this period and act within those rules.

There is no definitive timeline for resuming central Kingdom events yet, but anticipate the ban to last at least through mid-May 2020. More information will be forthcoming about how this will affect Western Crown Tourney and Mists Coronet Tourney in the immediate future, as well as other events in the coming months.

This is a rapidly evolving situation and the Western Crown and Kingdom Seneschal are working closely together and monitoring information released from State and Federal officials. They are acting in the best interests of the West Kingdom, and the health, safety, and well-being of the Populace is foremost in their minds. Please continue to support them as they face these difficult decisions going forward.

For current information about the U.S. Federal guidelines in effect, please visit:…/…

For current information from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services:…/Hu…/COVID-19_Whatthepubliccando.pdf


Lodinn and Finna, Baron and Baroness of Rivenoak, invite you to join the Barony in a day full of fighting, silliness and revelry at the Rivenoak Fool’s Tourney!

Witness the revelation of the King and Queen of Misrule though the ancient and arcane Art of Aleuromancy – Divination by Cupcake. Try your hand at hunkerhouser, bocce ball, and our insult challenge. There will be an Easter egg hunt for all ages, kid’s games and much more. There will also be a groaning board, so remember to bring some finger foods to share.

So come, break out your Armor, heavy, rapier, and youth, and find out what shenanigans the King and Queen of Misrule have in store for you.

Please note: Rivenoak is conducting an educational Demo on Friday before the Fool’s Tourney. All are invited and encouraged to attend the Fool’s Tourney on Saturday. Please seek permission from the Event/Demo Steward Bjorn or from the Seneschal Seamus if you wish to attend the Demo on Friday. Please see the Demo announcement for Demo information.

Event Steward: Bjorn Jorsalfar of Bearhaven (James Cornwell) — Phone: 530-521-3337 — E-mail:

Site Information: 
Start Time: 
Site opens at 10 AM and closes at 7 PM.
Site Fee: 
Free. Donations appreciated

Directions: Google Maps Ok
Take your best route to Highway 99 towards Chico, CA.
Exit 385, follow the signs for CA-32 toward Chester.
Turn East on CA-32 toward Chester.
Turn right onto El Monte Ave.
Turn left onto Humboldt Rd.
Arrive at Humboldt Rd near the intersection of Humboldt Rd and Morning Rose Way