May 19, 2012
Games Day - Wuduholt be Secg (Crescent City, CA)
Unto the populace of the West, your friends from the north invite you to come to our lands and join us for a day of relaxation, games and gambling. Please bring any lawn or table games that you wish to play and share with others. There will be a potluck BBQ in the late afternoon. If you choose to partake, please bring your own meat to grill and a side dish to share.
Site Information: Florence Keller Park. 3400 Cunningham Lane, Crescent City, CA
Site open: 11:00 a.m. Site close: 6:00 p.m. Crash space is available, please contact the autocrat.
Site fee: $7 for all over the age of 12. $12 NMS.
Autocrat: Genevieve
Directions: From the South: take your best route to 101 North. Take 101 North, 1.5 miles beyond Crescent City to Elk Valley Crossroads. Turn left onto Elk Valley Cross Roads. Turn left onto Cunningham Lane, then follow SCA signs into Florence Keller Park.