Spring has settled into the hills of our fair lands and the warmth of the sun now shines on the thrones of the Mists. Join us as we gather in courtly splendor and at the feasting tables to celebrate and welcome our new Prince and Princess at Mists Spring Investiture.
A feast in celebration of spring and all things fresh and new will be created by Master Juan Santiago. If you have any dietary or allergy questions, please contact the cook at santiagosmagic@gmail.com. Requests for tickets should be sent to mdmghislaine@gmail.com.
In addition to court festivities, the day will be filled with period arts and sciences! Competitions listed below.
A&S Competitions:
Technical Science: Games and Toys
Practical Science: Weaving
Contact the A&S minister (arts@mists.westkingdom.org) with questions.
Silver Spoon: A period dish featuring vegetables.
Contact the Silver Spoon minister (silverspoon@mists.westkingdom.org) with questions.
Autocrat: Katherine de Langlei and Sven Gotfriedson
Santa Cruz Masonic Hall (828 North Branciforte Avenue, Santa Cruz CA )
Make your best route towards Santa Cruz.
Via Highway 17: Take HWY 17 south toward Santa Cruz. As you approach town you will reach the interchange with HWY 1. You will *not* go north to Half Moon Bay. You will *not* go south to Soquel and Monterey. You will get off on Ocean Blvd. Take Ocean to Water Street. Turn left. Go 1/2 mile to N. Branciforte. Turn right. The Masonic Temple is the second building on the left next to Branciforte Elementary School.
Via Highway 1: Coming north on HWY 1. As you approach town you will get off at Morrissey Blvd. Follow the exit over the Highway, traveling west. You will travel two signals to Water Street where you will turn right. You will travel alongside of the west side of the elementary school Go to N. Branciforte Ave. and turn left. The Masonic Temple is the second building on the left next to Branciforte Elementary School.