Barony of Darkwood Marshal
The Heavy Marshal oversees all aspects of rattan combat.
South Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito & Monterey Counties, California
The Heavy Marshal oversees all aspects of rattan combat.
The Exchequer is an appointed official, performing the duties of treasurer for the local chapter.
SCA Arts & Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that the SCA covers.
The Web Minister is the officer required for maintaining the group's web presence.
The Chonicler creates the newsletter for the group.
The Herald is responsible for assisting with name research (onomastics) and the design, registration, and display of devices ('coats of arms'). Heralds also serve as the “Voice of King“ or other royalty by assisting at court or making general announcements.
Come to Darkwood and celebrate the coming of spring and of tourney season! Get your gear in order and hone your blades, as this event offers wonderful fighting for both heavy and rapier fighters.
Come one! Come All! Join us on a journey into the magical holiday street faire!
The Constables are the friendly faces you meet at the gate for each event throughout the kingdom.
Come and celebrate Krampusnacht with Their Excellencies, Jared Galen and Brid Hecgwiht, and the Barony of Darkwood, at the Baroness’s Masked Ball.