(Event Cancelled) Northern Marches Arts and Sciences

Portions of Northern California & Central California, Japan, Guam & Korea.
Current Baron / Baroness of a Baronial branch group.
Take a break from the heat in the cool Northern Marches for a great weekend packed full of sharing the wonderful things we do. Dozens of classes lined up in archery, tablet weaving, wire weaving,
Come join us for a weekend celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany, medieval style, with feasting, gaming, tournaments, dancing, classes, and more!
SCA Arts & Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that the SCA covers.
The Rapier Marshal is responsible for all rapier activities in the group.
The Herald is responsible for assisting with name research (onomastics) and the design, registration, and display of devices ('coats of arms'). Heralds also serve as the “Voice of King“ or other royalty by assisting at court or making general announcements.
The Heavy Marshal oversees all aspects of rattan combat.
More information will be posted as it becomes available.