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Calaveras County Fairgrounds (2465 Gunclub Rd., Angels Camp CA 95222)

2465 Gunclub Rd.
95222 Angels Camp , CA

If you use Google Maps, search 'Calaveras County Fairgrounds' — you can trust this one.

From North and North Bay: Take your best route to Hwy 99 and Hwy 12 in Lodi. Take Hwy 12 east to Hwy 49 north of Angels Camp. Take Hwy 49 south to Angels Camp and drive through town until you reach Gun Club Road. Turn left (east) and go about .5 mile to parking lot at fairgrounds.
From the South and South Bay: Take your best route to Hwy 99 and Hwy 4 in Stockton. Take Hwy 4 east to Hwy 49 in Angels Camp. Turn right (south) go through Angels Camp until you reach Gun Club Road. Turn left (east) and go about .5 mile to parking lot at fairgrounds.

Past events at this site: