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Kingdom of the West

Northern and Central California, Northern Nevada, Alaska, Japan, South Korea, Guam and Thailand

Short name: 

Kingdom of the West Chronicler

The Chronicler is the manager of the Kingdom Office of Communications. The Chronicler will supervise these deputies: Publication Manager, Social Media Manager, and Event Publicity Content Editor, and the Lesser office of Web Minister. The Chronicler may elect to personally fill a deputy post or the Lesser office of Web Minister, but must have other members executing the duties and responsibilities of the other three posts.

West Kingdom Arts and Sciences Minister


The West Kingdom has a vibrant Arts & Sciences community that creates artifacts and performances that enhance our re-creation of our Current Middle Ages. These arts and sciences are founded on research that informs these creations ranging in historical accuracy from museum quality replicas to objects or performances that creatively reference those that could have been. The fun and learning is in the doing!


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